A Look at the Portuguese World


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  Siga-nos ao longo dos corredores da Casa Museu Frederico de Freitas pela história do Natal, através dos presépios e meninos Jesus de vários tempos idos. Um períplo apresentado pela diretora deste espaço museológico, Margarida Araújo Camacho, e cujo espólio, inclui também peças cedidas pelo Museu da Quinta das Cruzes.…
It was one of the most memorable moments of an unforgettable trip. One of my main desires when visiting South Africa was to dive in the cold waters of the Indian sea, in this particular case Gansbaai, to enjoy the famous and ill-famed white sharks. Ever since I was young,…
The World Life Experience, which in January 2018 began its first international voyage of eleven people on three continents, will open the entries for the 2nd edition. From April 3rd to July 20th, 2018, the World Life Experience will receive registrations from those interested in conducting a one-day world tour,…
This is a sea voyage that is meant to be a tribute to freedom fighters wherever they may be. One of the obligatory points of my visit to South Africa was a tour in Robben island, I wanted to see the prison where Nelson Mandela, one of the historical leaders…
It is the second part of my journey that begins on the Atlantic coast, overlooking the Table Mountain in South Africa. Follow me. The Victoria and Albert Waterfront represents one of the must-see spots in Cape Town, over 400,000 square meters of shops, hotels, restaurants, shopping centers, entertainment and concert…
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